Sunday 4th March 2018
#1 Taking It Back!
Pastor Ita Udoh
♪We Take Music For The Kingdom Of God,
We Take Music For The Kingdom Of God,
We Take Music For The Kingdom Of God, Today! ♪
#2 Don’t Love Mammon!
Sis ACE: Bless the name of the Lord – for He is worthy to be praised.
I pour My Spirit out on all flesh. I pour out My Spirit on the church today. Don’t love mammon! Use it for My glory. Don’t love mammon, for he will run after you today.
But today I say, say NO to mammon, and My grace will go with you, and prepare.
Worship Me with your voices. Worship Me with your voices. Worship Me with your voices.
Don’t turn away! I’ve seen people turn away from Me. Don’t turn away, God’s Lighthouse! My Lighthouse – correct the world. Let the world see you and make amends. My heart is heavy for My church – so heavy for My church. How did they all go so wrong?
Oh, my army – don’t disappoint Me. Use it for My glory; use it to break chains! Use it to bring liberty! Use your voices for Me, and not for mammon, and the glory of God will fill the earth.
#3 Devil’s Tools
Sis GP: Just after Pastor prayed about releasing the songbirds, I saw a cage (milk/golden colored) that had been hidden in the dark and there was a bird inside. I got the understanding that the darkness made the bird black. It was brought out, and then the latch snapped open. The bird was released. As it flew into the light, its color became brighter.
Afterwards, I heard a demon say, “Na everything una go dey ask God for sef? Even music?”
I heard God say, “Well, you guys took quite a while, but I’m glad you did ask.”
I got the understanding that we had taken a very large territory. I saw bright bulbs that had been joined together, and they kept expanding. They looked like microphones with white heads. While it kept increasing, I saw that there was a sort of struggle, because one black microphone was trying to stay in the middle of the white ones. I heard, “Don’t be a tool for the devil – don’t give the devil a foothold” (like with our mouths and words).
I felt an itching sensation in my ears, and when I wanted to scratch the itch, I heard a voice say “Don’t worry; you can’t reach it – that’s Me cleaning your ears.” I got the impression God had cleaned our ears and we were not to soil them again.
#4 Open Mouths
Sis ME: I saw the ceiling held open by two people. It was symbolic of our ears. Isaiah 50:5 – the Lord opened my ear and I was not rebellious. “What you hear in secret, declare on the rooftops”.
I saw fiery swords coming from people’s mouths, and I heard Psalm 149 (the whole psalm).
I saw a guitar whose cords were being stretched as though they were trying to get different chords/keys.
#5 His Words Alone
Sis PO: While I was on the floor, I heard “in spirit and in truth.” We are to sing His words and His words only.
While we were singing, all the glory must be to the Lord, my mouth was wide open, and I got the impression that songs were being poured into my mouth and I could not close my mouth. It was like I was hungering for more of what was being poured.
A few days ago, He taught me from Psalm 96 that it is not about the voices or the melody – its about His words in our hearts. His words are spirit and life and they give life to others around us.
#6 “You Will Prophesy In Music.”
Sis EIU: While we were praying about music, I saw a very big tunnel flowing with water like a fountain, and it began to fall on people (us). I heard it was the spirit of music from God. When the water poured, I saw people with different sizes and sorts of vessels – buckets, drums, and other containers – coming to scoop water as it fell. Some others who were reluctant came later and scooped what had fallen from the ground.
I heard, “New songs, new voices, new grace – do not use My gift for selfish reasons.” I saw small birds (swallows?) that didn’t really rest – they just perched for a short while and flew away. But this time, it rested on people’s shoulders, then it went through their foreheads and into their bodies and I saw it in their stomachs. When it was in the stomach, the feathers were plucked off. As they opened up their mouths, the feathers went out.
Then I heard, “You will prophesy in music.” I also heard some of the prophetic people are called to sing. Then I saw many people in the prophetic team.
As we sang, “We take music for the kingdom of God”, I saw the shape of the world – it was like the world of music. I saw a terrible demon come out of the music world like the demon was in charge. As we kept singing, ‘make music for the Lord’, I saw the demon come out, and it wasn’t just a demon, it was one of the principalities in charge of music.
As we were singing, it was as if we were in a war front, and we were fighting with the principalities. As we fought, some people were weak, and he laughed scornfully because he thought we could not overthrow him. As we kept singing and interceding, we overcame him, and he was shocked because he didn’t believe we could have overcome him. Some people that were backing off, they began to come back and join us. The more we sang the more victory we had. We were victorious and people were jubilating.
I saw the Lord wearing a purple dress shaped like a stingray. He stood up from the throne and swayed slowly. He asked, “What took you guys so long?” He was pleased – this was one of the principalities He wanted to come down.
#7 A Musical Call
Bro SE: I got the impression that while this was happening here, it was happening all around the world. I was taken to three places. In an American church, there was a general call for music everywhere. I saw a whip enclose some people and drop them outside the church.
What was scary was that many of the people the enemy was using had actually experienced the glory of God. He lured them from the church to use against God. The ones he could lure were those who kept hearing without doing, seeking only the physical manifestations.
I was taken to this village church in Japan and I saw men enter the church and it was like this music thing. A set of people were given uniforms that showed that they were called to the music ministry, but the pastor had been lured by mammon so he tried to kill what was starting. I got the impression we were to pray for them. I saw Paris and these little children – so many of them – would sit down in a place and begin to sing.
I saw the Ark of the Covenant in their midst, and they were used to its presence. They were expecting God to send someone to them to help them. I heard we should pray for them.
About Mammon: I was going somewhere and I was meant to meet a need in that place, but along the road this man would just come – I would see someone come along the wayside – and drop money somewhere. I would ignore it. The whole path was like a garden. I saw Pastor come out of a very beautiful vehicle, and he told me that why I was not yielding to the answers to my prayer was because I was asking for my need. I just had this bad feeling about the money, and I heard, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” It was a demon, and it came in Pastor’s form because it knew I would likely listen to what Pastor would say. It changed into a man in a suit with a briefcase, and I had seen this same man as a representation of mammon before. “Mammon; second to none.” I saw that he was blocking the road so I could not see the end and get the real help I was meant to have gotten.
I saw a guitar, and in the place of the pegs, there was a hand – God’s hand. God was in charge of the tuning. I heard a warning about extremes – I saw a woman tuning the peg too tight, and later too loose. The sounds were odd, and she was no longer receiving from God’s hand. The hand became a clenched fist.
#8 “Recollection Restoration Requirements: Faithfulness & Fear of God”
Sis MO: I recall that the day we saw the spirits of just men made perfect, I saw David. Jesus told me that the issue had never been giving gifts – the major issue was faithfulness and the fear of God because at a time, pride would set in.
He said the dumbest people in the world are musicians. He asked me if I wondered why their memories were very short. It was because he took from them the ability to remember (music) that he gave David, because it would have been misused. Their songs are in verses, because He had not given them the ability to go all the way, like he gave David. He was not talking about musicians in the world – He was talking about the church.
He also talked about having Scripture memorized so you could even sing with it. I saw a restoration of that memory to people.
“Keep Asking For More…”
I saw someone give a person one sweet to see what he would do with it, and then two sweets, and then five. *When the person had five, he never returned to collect any more.* This was for some people.
“Stop Giving Heavenly Inspiration To Demons!”
I saw an angel standing by somebody’s bed. He had a flute and he was blowing the music into her ears. Some came up like songs – words – and others came like the beats. The girl woke up and just went back to sleep, losing the music. The angel did not go away – he stood there and continued. After a long time of this, the angel was like, “You sleeping child, won’t you wake up?” The girl kept going back to sleep. After a while, the angel just moved away.
The music was released in the spirit realm, but the person that was meant to have gotten it had not gotten it, so the demons walk away with it.
I saw a set of musicians in immoral acts, but it is a form of ritualistic worship – they are naked, sprinkling blood, and very disgusting. In this atmosphere, the demon appears with that song that was given to that girl.
The Lord told me, “This is how your songs are born.” Part of the music given to the girl included the beats. This is why we hear the beats of songs and say, _“Wow, this guy is good!”_ whereas the beats were originally given to a Christian who was not at work. They got it because they were in the spirit realm. You’d sing the song, and it wouldn’t have any effect – just the melody.
Jesus talked about being diligent and using what you’ve been given.
“Job Offers From _Mammon & Co._”
I saw a tall man with a briefcase walk into the church: Mammon. He’s a head-turner. He walks into an office and makes an offer. When he makes this offer, the girl was supposed to say no, and she would sing. The Lord said that the way to fight was to respond in music. When you respond in music, the words of God come out of you in response to the situation. However, the girl did not want to sing because she was embarrassed – how would she start singing? The man was a pro in music, so she didn’t want to disgrace herself. So she sat with the man and kept talking.
Then I saw the demon of fame, and it goes before you like perfume. It comes with this aroma or perfume. It follows the demon of mammon too. I saw fame, pride, and mammon – they work together. If you had one, you’d likely have all.
I saw a demon of ridicule – they were naysayers. God was very strict – *He didn’t want His musicians recording music in their studios,* or anything like that. “Do not have affiliations with Egypt, and do not lean on their gods for support; take heed to My words. Be holy – keep yourselves from defilement.”
Even being in their record studio would mean that you are defiled. The people who heeded the word and were set apart were ridiculed by hordes of demons through their peers. These demons shut people up by shaming them. God said we should *look up to Jesus and not fear or feel discouraged.
I saw sexual immorality, mainly for the guys. I saw girls sent after the guys, and mammon after the girls.
#9 “Don’t you want people to hear about Jesus?”
Sis QI: When we started praying about the music ministry, I saw a glass of pure water in a glass cup then a black substance in another class cup was poured into the pure water. I had the impression of perversion.
I got the impression of the Father being very happy we asked for the music ministry. Then I saw a file with ‘Music’ on it and an angel was given the file to bring to us, I saw the angel enter the warehouse with the music file.
Then I saw a young girl, she was on a keyboard and then a man walked up to her. He was handsome, dressed in a suit and he began telling the girl to follow him and let him showcase her to the world. The girl refused and was trying to explain to him that her inspiration came from God and that she did not just move to sing without God telling her to do. The man then asked her if she did not want many people to hear about Jesus, that he could make her have a larger crowd and many people will get to know about Jesus. The girl stood up from where she was sitting and moved to another seat, but it looked like she was considering what the man had told her, and the man knew it and he went after her again, this time she was really listening to what he had to say. I didn’t see if she later accepted but it looked like the man was on the verge of convincing her.
Then I started laughing really hard at some point and I heard victory for the Holy nation then this song came “Faithful, faithful is our God, we have reaped the harvest God promised us, taken back what the devil stole from us, we rejoice today because we recovered it all.’‘
#10 We should not betray him.
Sis PM: Around the time we began worshiping in songs (while the musicians were being prayed for), I saw Jesus on his knees being flogged on his back by different people. Despite the pains he was going through, he still tried to reach out to those flogging him. I saw that there were people dressing the wounds he got due to the flogging he suffered. Jesus handed canes to them (the same cane he used to bring down worldly things in the temple) but as time went on, they started using that same cane they were given by Jesus to flog him instead. Jesus, in pain started saying that we should not use the cane he gave us to restore Zion, to tear it down and exalt Babylon. He said we should not betray him. Besides, those that were once dressing his wounds started using the opportunity at a time to hurt him more.
#11 We Will Sing
Pastor Ita Udoh
He’s given us His ring
There’s an engagement; there’s an announcement –
The Lord’s asked for your hand!
He’s asking for your hand…
“Will you marry Me?”
This is His invitation –
“Will you lose your will in Mine?
Set aside your name,
And come share My fame;
I want you to be the same,
And it’s not a game…”
One name with Jesus!
One name will please us,
So the Father says,
He’s been looking for a bride;
If you set aside your pride,
The Lord will make you His own bride…
Can you just lay aside your pride?
He will take you on a ride,
You will conquer by His side!
“Can you trust Me?” is His question,
“Will you trust Me, without question?
Hold My hand;
Drop your plans!
I’ll take you into a land,
Flowing with milk and honey –
This is much more than money,
Can you believe Me –
Above what your eyes see?
I am God; I’m not a man;
With Me, alone, can you always stand…
I will help you become a man –
I am God.
All the things that I say –
They’ll come to pass anyway…
Why won’t you be the one with Me on my throne?
Man is dust; can’t you see?
Put your trust… only in Me;
I alone can set you free –
Do you believe?
All I give, you can receive;
Though it seems only just brief,
I will help you grow up onto the top,
Sit with me and you will sup,
The devil, this, can never stop;
I am God, I am God;
And God alone…
I rejoice now over you,
And My name’s faithful and true –
I will go where you will go –
I will not stop…
I am God, I’m not a man,
I am God; I’ll help you stand;
I will teach you how to fly…
To the sky…
We will sing, we will sing;
We will come to You and bring,
Our praise and offerings,
Unto our King…
The song of the Lord is restored to the house of the Lord.
22nd April 2018
#12 Dancing In The Rain
Bro MP: I saw a market area and the shops were arranged on the right and left, while a road was created in the middle and it was raining, quite heavily. Almost everyone was in the shop, under their stalls, hiding from the rain, protecting their food stuffs and their children. The road seemed dry at first, but then I saw someone dancing in the rain, ‘basking in its abundance’, was what I heard. He was all soaked, but he wasn’t paying attention to himself, seemed to be paying more attention to the music that was playing in his spirit. It was of praise, i could hear it, but then i noticed it wasn’t just from him. It was singing in some others too, but they didn’t dance to it because for some reason they were deaf to their own music, they looked consumed with some disgust and wonder for the person that was dancing in the rain. I saw some others join him afterwards. Got the impression that when they looked at the person that was dancing in the rain and reflected on themselves and the purpose of the rain and the blessings that could come from it even if they didn’t seem to understand much, not being conscious of the fact that it might have seemed to also stop their activity, then they got to hear the music playing inside of them clearer and clearer and joined to dance in praise know the rain. Others would murmur and complain about the rain and its effects…that was the difference.
8th June 2018
#13 “Where Are My Singers?”
Sis IN: Where are the voices I created? Where are My singers? Have they all shut up? Are they all silent and quiet? Sing a glorious song to the King. Sing and not grow weary and tired, for I created you. I created voices. Who do you want to sing for, if you do not sing for Me? How many times have I given you songs and you threw (them) away? How many times? How many times have you destroyed My lyrics? You want to go to the studio? Hey!
Do not make Me wreck your voices. The Lord of Hosts has arisen. He has risen; He has risen. He is risen; sing praises to His name. He has risen – He has risen. He has risen; sing praises to His name.
31st October 2018
#14 Glorious Clothing
Sis NB: My heart is indicting a great matter for the daughters of the king. Clothe yourselves with my glory. Proceed; make procession for your King. Healing to the nations and wholeness to the people. I will pour forth the words you need. I will give you songs in the night. I will give you songs in the morning. Psalm 45.
The impression I had was of a group of people making music with trumpets. They were dressed in white. They were as one.
4th March 2018