While I gave the prophecy, I heard: “Another 2020 is coming again.”
“Famine is coming. *Only those on the move will receive steady supply. If you choose to settle in a place, just know you will be destroyed by the famine.”
(I was reminded of my Bible Studies on Elijah. If he was not on the move as God directed him per time, he would have been consumed by the famine that came to Israel, even though it was by word of prophecy it was activated. 1 Kings 17:1-13)
Then I had the impression of ‘7 days.’
I also heard that though our enemies come in one way, they will flee in 7 ways (Deuteronomy 28:7)
“You see the dark cloud coming? Don’t be afraid of it. It will pass in a moment.”
At this point, I was seeing a massive stretch of dark clouds heading towards our direction.
Again, I heard, “7 ways, 7 days. Remember?” It sounded like it was a reference to a message in the ‘Extra Oil for Dark Times’ series from 2019 with that title.
I believe it is a call for us to revisit what Pastor had addressed in that message. I also remembered that in that Series, Pastor had ‘prophesied’ the events that happened in the lockdown (2020) in a particular message.
11th June 2023
Brother SE