I saw people in a hut without walls around it. The only thing the hut had was a roof, and people were staying there for shade.
Then they said, “God, why are we staying in this place of suffering? Can’t we stay in a house, at least?”
God answered, “Be contented with what you have, “but the people did not listen. God had said they should not stay in a house. The people asked God, “Why?” But God did not answer their question. He said that they do not need to know everything.
However, they disobeyed; they went to a house, and the house fell down.
I also saw people who were supposed to be in a row, but they were just in a straight Indian file. They were supposed to stand side by side, but they were standing in front of each other. Then God said, “Is that how I prepared you to fight?” The people said, “God, this time, just let us do what You did not tell us to do…” But God answered, “No, don’t do that!” and they agreed. But when God “left” (they thought He had gone), they kept standing in front of each other.
The trumpet had been blown to gather them in the battlefield, earlier on. It had not yet been blown the second time, but they started running and scattering in different directions, and some were running back and forth, not fighting.
Then God said, “You people have disobeyed Me. Let Me just test you and see how you will obey Me this time. Fight, so they will not kill you.”Then they acted as if they were fighting, but they weren’t; they were running around in the battlefield. (The first time, while others had been fighting the war, these people had been running around the battlefield and not fighting, as they were still doing). Then God said, “You people don’t want to fight.” He threw them back into their houses.
The children came and said, “These people again; they don’t want to fight! What is always wrong with them? Let’s fight by ourselves; leave them alone.”
– AIU (Aged 8)
October 8th, 2020
© God’s Lighthouse.