While we were praying in the spirit, I saw a sun flower in a greenhouse and then, tons of sun flowers. At some point, there was something like a measuring ruler placed above the sun flower such that when the sun flower almost gets close to the point where the measuring tape was placed, the tape was lifted higher.
The goal of the sun flower was to meet up with the measuring tape whenever it was lifted.
As we kept praying, it was as if all of creation (humans specifically) stood before the King’s throne and He was in our midst. Around Him, we stood on a straight line and it seemed we were giving account of the things we had done one after another. (I can’t explain this but it seemed this was both futuristic and at the same time, in the present). I asked people if they understood why we were all there and they were clueless just as I was.
While I was still trying to figure out what was going on, the King requested for a paper and pen from one of the beings ministering to Him on His left. What came to my mind was that judgment has come. On the King’s right hand was another being that was flogging people depending on what they did.
So this was the order: After talking to the King, if you were found to be worthy of stripes, you would be directed to the flogging table.
I really wanted to know the exact crime that would warrant a flogging and finally, I got to hear the conversation the King had with a guy. It seemed the guy had been given so much (I don’t know but evangelism came to mind). The King asked, “What did you do with all the things I gave you and the people I entrusted to your care?” The guy was really stuttering and so, I did not hear his reply. The King did not consider his excuse at all and immediately added, “Haven’t you heard? That though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for I am with you? What did you do with it?“
Of course, the guy got his flogging.
While we were singing the song “Let your mercy flow”, the impression I had at the start of the meeting continued and this time, everyone who deserved a flogging got same but somehow everyone’s stripes was reduced. I didn’t really understand this because some people had already received their beatings before we started singing and yet, it seemed the King was saying, “I have/will take away part of the stripes they deserve“. This was the situation.
As Pastor kept tossing in the memory verses, the picture became clear. In relation to what the King told that guy whose conversation I overheard, the Holy Spirit was pointing out how important God’s word really is. It is not just enough to hear them but our hearing becomes complete when it is done. He was very particular about the fact that all of God’s promises are for us and how we are meant to trust what God says about us above every other situation we face. It seemed like we just knew these things but they were not applicable to us.
The scripture that says “the letter kills but the Spirit brings life” came to mind.
I got Psalm 51.
What came to mind was “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor My ways your ways”.
I had an impression of the King on His throne descending into the room and into our hearts. His whole body and the throne He sat on were like fine brass and fire sprung out of His eyes. It was as if heaven and earth fled from His presence. At that point, it seemed we were trying to hide (I mean I almost entered the ground when He showed up) but still, there was no way we could hide our face from the One with whom all things are naked and open. I had the impression that He was being enthroned in our hearts and was going to take His rightful place with or without our consent.
– Sis H.N
November 15, 2019