I saw a river which was meant to be a battleground, and two ships were meant to fight. The ships were armed, but foreigners came to support the cause of fighting. This was not good; it was as if they were encouraging the fight. There was an invasion; it came in a form that seemed like help, (though it was not really help), from foreign people. It wasn’t necessarily the supply of guns – they were poisoning food, dumping things in the country, every other way that they would choose to attack Nigeria.
It was as if we had an international convention. There was something that was required of the President which he didn’t agree to. As a result, the people vowed to deplete the economy and blame the economic downfall on him. They needed some people to help enforce their plans against him; something about Nigeria trying to teach other nations rebellion against the world leaders, so they’d have to discipline us. It was going to affect every citizen. I saw (their words) like fire in their mouths, and I saw the fire going up to attack angels above as if they were attacking the will of God, instead of going down to attack the enemy. It was stopping God’s plans for Nigeria.
I also heard 2 Chronicles 7:14.
22nd January 2018
Sis NO