I saw a man spread his arms wide apart. An earthquake followed the gesture of his hands, but this breaking in the earth’s surface went unnoticed. The earthquake occurred in a manner that separated some persons from the others. The section of people that had been separated by the unseen earthquake was much larger. They did not realize that they had been set apart; they kept fighting and raining abuses on the country. The few others left (on solid ground) were so peaceful. They had been praying for peace to reign. The amazing thing was that among these few were people from the Northern parts of Nigeria, and other ethnic groups. (I saw men dressed in the Fulani attire). Those that made up the larger (separated) group were just ‘normally’ dressed people. I had a strong impression they were supposed to be members of the church in Nigeria. God said that He would give peace to those who seek peace. Those who seek destruction (for others) would have no peace.
22nd January 2018
Sis PM