While we were singing ‘You reign,’ it seemed like there was a coronation service going on and the whole thing was in a slow motion but as soon as the crown was on the King’s head, the earth shook. I had an impression of an aisle that was really dark (like a path way) and the king was treading on it. Before him was a man who was the fore runner asking people to make way. It was really clear he was making way for the King of kings. This man was nothing compared to the king especially his height; he was more like a dwarf and was bending over while walking. As people parted ways, they fell on their faces to the ground before the King passed them. There was light emanating from the King and what came to my mind was the entrance of God’s word brings light. At some point, I was just seeing the King’s feet and His sandals alone as He kept moving.
Sis HN
7th July, 2019
© God’s Lighthouse 2019