While we were presenting ourselves at the end of the meeting before the prophecies started coming in (Singing Shining Jesus), I felt a strong presence in the room, shortly afterwards there was a bright light standing in front of me, I had the impression that it was Jesus.
It seemed (I seemed?) to be given more clarity beyond the light and I saw Him in a Purple robe, it was really long. There were different colors of Jewels on it, then I heard “Robe of Majesty”, the atmosphere around Him seemed and felt very powerful.
I saw Him seated on a throne, at the head of a large conference table and people were sitting around Him, I had the impression that they were leaders (Church leaders). I saw Pastor and he was given a poll sheet. There were three rows with three different names which I felt represented different presidential candidates, I didn’t see the names though.
The different leaders were to stamp with their logos. A lot of the people that were invited to this table stamped the name in the 2nd row, and it seemed like this was the Lord’s will. But I kept seeing someone being pushed off from a throne through devious means, for another to sit on.
I’ve been getting that we should pray and intercede for the Lord’s elect for like a week now, I feel the prophecies yesterday confirmed it. I got 1 Samuel 13.
I saw fire burning in a field and the sheep on it were burning too.
I heard,
“Be very careful of what of you partake in
Do not be moved by power
Save yourself from trouble.”
4th April 2022
-Sis. BA
©GAM Watchmen