Love Your Nation!

1st OCTOBER, 2021

While Pastor was talking and said, ‘the books are open’, I had the impression of an angel who opened a book, and I saw *1949*. It came to my mind that an important or bad event happened that year and we were meant to check it. Abuja and Enugu came to mind.
While we sang “from the North, the Angels are coming”, I had the impression of Jos (North), South(Akwa-Cross), East(Imo) and West (Ibadan). I had the impression of a relation to the spiritual realm in those states.
While we were gesticulating North, South, East and West, I had the impression to join the words together, and it formed a cross. The cross was on the map, and the blood of Jesus was dripping on the map.
I had the impression that the angels of Jos, Imo, Ibandan and Akwa-Cross had come into the hall for a meeting. Then a file of people followed suit. I had the impression it was the men that had worked on Nigeria spiritually in time past. I had the impression of Pa Elton in agbada and Bob Jones.
While we were blessing Nigeria, I had the impression of a woman looking sad, desolate and despised. I had the impression she was Nigeria. The words became like a healing balm to a chest wound; it was transparent fluid. She became happy and then, she realized that there was noise coming from somewhere. I had the impression it was the prayer and songs that we were making that she noticed. She raised her head to see a red light in form of a heart, while the other areas were dark.
I had the impression of the map of Nigeria. It formed a heart, and love came to mind. I had the impression that people should love their country more. I got that we should sing the National anthem like a prayer. While singing, I found myself saying, ‘where is our compatriots?’ I had the impression to join the points of the cross together, and it formed a box and a cross inside it. The Nazi flag and symbol came to mind.
While we were screaming and declaring prayers over Nigeria, I had the impression of the ground quaking and the volcano rumbling. I felt the presence of animals, centaurs and eagles flying during the meeting.
1st OCTOBER, 2021

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