Title: How Moms Can Shape Our Perception: The Truth That Changed Everything! Part 1 Sometimes, what our moms tell us...
Read moreDetails(A tale of low self-esteem) My height, complexion, body size and everything about me dissatisfied me. I didnt understand why...
Read moreDetailsOne day in 2018 while I was at the manse, I found myself saying "I'm tired" repeatedly. I was rebuked...
Read moreDetailsOn the 14th of March, I used the last money I had to offset a debt, hoping I'd get money...
Read moreDetailsNIGHTMARES NABBED! From around October 2020, I’ve battled with bad dreams as a born-again Christian. I would get strange and...
Read moreDetailsA Faithful Disciple Growing up, I used to see myself as one who wasn’t musically inclined. My siblings could sing...
Read moreDetailsI don’t remember being bad at Mathematics but I think it was a general law in my early days for...
Read moreDetailsI was held captive by the spirit of seduction and sensuality... As a little girl, I was introduced to sexual...
Read moreDetailsI will confess your mercy and love in the assembly of the righteous. I used to have trichotillomania (a disorder that...
Read moreDetailsIn 2018, I used to have a very big ganglion on my left wrist. Initially, it didn't bother me, but...
Read moreDetailsWe strive to be obedient to the One who rules over all, and we’re here on His orders. An abundance of good (and bad) knowledge may be found on the Internet. We’ll be for good.
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