Ask for Peace, Prepare for War

1st October 2018

Above the map was the head of a modern shower water outlet. What was flowing and gushing out of the outlet was very fresh and warm blood. I believe it was the blood of Jesus. As the blood drops and splashes touched the map of Nigeria beneath it, it began to release white smoke (steam) and the dross on the map began to be washed away.

I heard, “Blood was shed to create and sustain evil in this nation; blood has also been shed to redeem it.” I also heard, “When you ask for peace, first of all prepare for what proceeds and validates it, which is War.”

I inquired further, and I heard that the war will not be physical, but that God’s judgment and turbulence will upset the nation, then we will know and appreciate the peace of God. I heard that the peace we ask for in Nigeria will only saturate the nation when we allow it flow out from our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

1st October 2018

Bro VE

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